Saturday, February 4, 2012

Asvab Questions - Part 1 Word Knowledge

Asvab Questions - Part 1 Word Knowledge-The Asvab

Most of the Asvab questions in the Word Knowledge part involve straight synonyms. You will be provided with a word and you need to go for which word from the list of four choices that which has the closest equivalent meaning to the given word.

The Asvab

There are a total of 35 Asvab questions in the Word Knowledge subtest with a time limit of 11 minutes only. The time limit is very short because of the staggering quick and immediate answering response to the questions.

One example of this type of demand is as follows:

Example 1:

Legible most nearly means:

a. Negotiable

b. Readable

c. Confusing

d. Legal

In this sample item, the spoton rejoinder is (B) readable. Among the choices given, readable has the closest meaning to legible.

Aside from straight synonym Asvab questions, other favorite buildings is the use of context clues. In these type of Asvab questions, the given word is usually included in the context of a sentence. If you find the given word rather unusual or difficult, you can use other words in the sentence as hints. You can find below an example of an Asvab demand in the Word Knowledge part consuming context clues.

Example 2

The feline manifested her anger by purring and scratching.

a. Woman

b. Impersonator

c. Cat

d. Actress

In this sample item, the spoton rejoinder is (C) cat. The sentence includes two words linked with cats, namely, purring and scratching. These two words are examples of semantic or meaning clues. Other types of context clues are syntactic or word order clues, synonym or repeat context clues, antonym or distinction context clues, definition context clues, example context clues, word-part context clues, and normal sense of context clues.

The best making ready for the Asvab questions in the Word Knowledge category would be enriching an individual's vocabulary. But such making ready is not as straightforward as a walk in the park. A strategic way of learning words would be highly recommended. You can use any vocabulary-building book. Ten new words a day would be a great step to enhancing your vocabulary. wise up with root words, suffixes and prefixes. learning words with their corresponding synonyms and antonyms will also be very helpful.

As you study and enhance your vocabulary, taking a personalized arrival would be leading so your strategy would fit your learning style. Flashcards and vocabulary cards are some of the base methods used. You can also use mnemonics and learning aids. If you have difficulties in arriving at a definite choice, you can use the process of elimination. You can eliminate the choices which, most likely, would not fit in as the spoton rejoinder to the demand then choose among the remaining choices which would have the closest meaning.

The best way to get ready for the Asvab questions in the Word Knowledge rich vocabulary is to be a reader. If you are not used to reading, you can start off by reading your daily newspapers or magazines. You can also practice analyzing context clues. If you come over any word that seems unfamiliar or unusual to you, take note of it and look up its meaning in the dictionary or thesaurus.

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