Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Top 12 Self Introduction Speech Topics

Top 12 Self Introduction Speech Topics-Practice Questions

Use this Top 12 self introduction speech topics for if you have to originate a brief self introduction that tells the audience who you are and what you are about.

Practice Questions

There are collective speaking opportunities in life in which you have to make a good first impression.
The key quiz, for a victorious and productive self introduction speech in both occasions is: how much and what facts do you want the audience to know about you?

Rule number one is: focus on one speech topic. Do not write an award winning boring autobiography :-)
I propose you to originate one aspect of your life. That aspect will tell who you are and what you are about.

Some people call this self introduction speech type a one-point speech, because it is based on only one speech idea.

Look at the sample self introduction speech topics below and pick out the aspects of your personal life you want to share with the audience. Coming the list below with the who, what, where, why, how and when questions. It is an productive way to figure your first thoughts for introducing yourself.

1. What activity has played or plays an foremost part in your life? Tell the story and distract the message.

2. What is your main personal goal?

3. What do you like very much?

4. What do you hate or dislike?

5. Do you have developed a very extra skill?

6. What is your lifestyle?

7. Can you come up with a turning point or milestone in you life?

8. What is your hobby or interest in you spare time?

9. What is a pet peeve or someone else very customary topic you like to talk about, to do or to discuss?

10. Where you are from? Do your roots communicate something about yourself that is new for the audience? That all the time works in a speech for self introduction.

11. Is there an object or prop that means a lot to you?

12. What distinguishes you from other individuals?

If you have prime one singular speech topic, then use my self introduction sample speech figure - a method to originate your self introduction speech.

Related articles:Spring Valley Vitamins ,ทำ seo ,ดาราจัดฟัน

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Asvab Questions - Part 1 Word Knowledge

Asvab Questions - Part 1 Word Knowledge-The Asvab

Most of the Asvab questions in the Word Knowledge part involve straight synonyms. You will be provided with a word and you need to go for which word from the list of four choices that which has the closest equivalent meaning to the given word.

The Asvab

There are a total of 35 Asvab questions in the Word Knowledge subtest with a time limit of 11 minutes only. The time limit is very short because of the staggering quick and immediate answering response to the questions.

One example of this type of demand is as follows:

Example 1:

Legible most nearly means:

a. Negotiable

b. Readable

c. Confusing

d. Legal

In this sample item, the spoton rejoinder is (B) readable. Among the choices given, readable has the closest meaning to legible.

Aside from straight synonym Asvab questions, other favorite buildings is the use of context clues. In these type of Asvab questions, the given word is usually included in the context of a sentence. If you find the given word rather unusual or difficult, you can use other words in the sentence as hints. You can find below an example of an Asvab demand in the Word Knowledge part consuming context clues.

Example 2

The feline manifested her anger by purring and scratching.

a. Woman

b. Impersonator

c. Cat

d. Actress

In this sample item, the spoton rejoinder is (C) cat. The sentence includes two words linked with cats, namely, purring and scratching. These two words are examples of semantic or meaning clues. Other types of context clues are syntactic or word order clues, synonym or repeat context clues, antonym or distinction context clues, definition context clues, example context clues, word-part context clues, and normal sense of context clues.

The best making ready for the Asvab questions in the Word Knowledge category would be enriching an individual's vocabulary. But such making ready is not as straightforward as a walk in the park. A strategic way of learning words would be highly recommended. You can use any vocabulary-building book. Ten new words a day would be a great step to enhancing your vocabulary. wise up with root words, suffixes and prefixes. learning words with their corresponding synonyms and antonyms will also be very helpful.

As you study and enhance your vocabulary, taking a personalized arrival would be leading so your strategy would fit your learning style. Flashcards and vocabulary cards are some of the base methods used. You can also use mnemonics and learning aids. If you have difficulties in arriving at a definite choice, you can use the process of elimination. You can eliminate the choices which, most likely, would not fit in as the spoton rejoinder to the demand then choose among the remaining choices which would have the closest meaning.

The best way to get ready for the Asvab questions in the Word Knowledge rich vocabulary is to be a reader. If you are not used to reading, you can start off by reading your daily newspapers or magazines. You can also practice analyzing context clues. If you come over any word that seems unfamiliar or unusual to you, take note of it and look up its meaning in the dictionary or thesaurus.

Related articles:Spring Valley Vitamins ,ทำ seo ,ดาราจัดฟัน

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Seduction of a Married Man

The Seduction of a Married Man-Career Demand

What is it about a married man that is so irresistible?

Career Demand

It must be something because so many women fall for it. Just this week I encountered two women who have slipped into the trap of fatal attraction for a married man. It is perilous territory and I do not propose that anything go there. I speak from taste having invested part of my life in a association with a married man. Iam not writing about this field to lecture or be judgmental or even to speak from my soapbox about what I know that you don't. My intention is to expose the underhanded tactics, even if unintentional, of men and the naiveté of women that permits these relationships to flower.

What is it about women that make them susceptible to the charm and attraction of an unavailable man?

The unavailable man is very animated to women who do not want to be controlled by a man. He can supply sporadic attention, sex, commonly at quarterly intervals, assuredly guidance even when you don't ask for it and gifts. You don't have to live with him,which means no snoring, picking up after him, and commonly leisure to comeand go as you please. The disadvantages include slight spontaneity,lack of availability on weekends and holidays and never being his number one priority.

This is not to say that men do not fall for married women. I am
certain that the statistics will hold that approximately as many particular men fall for married women but the dynamic in the middle of themis much separate than that of the particular woman and the married man. Obviously, I have more taste with the married man syndrome.

Women in general are used to getting seconds.

What I mean by that is that women select to conclude for less than
what they want. Okay, I expect outrage from most of you who are
reading this but hear me out, please. In this country, men have the power. Look nearby you, how many women president's do we have? How many in the Senate, Congress, Ceo's of Fortune 500 companies? How many women make as much money as men do? reconsider teaching and nursing, two professions primarily occupied by women, what ration of men are in the profession and what ration ofthose are in charge? How many men select to stay home with thchildren while their wives work and hold the family? You get the idea. Granted there are many more women in positions of authority, in medicine, the law, entrepreneurs,real estate, finance, business than ever before, but if you are going to be honest with yourself, it's still a man's world. This is okay.

We can live with the fact that men run the world, because women run relationships.

Women, you of course are in payment of association even if you don't know it. You just need to raise the bar a slight on what youexpect from your relationship. What I mean by women being used to settling is they don't ask. Let me give you an example. A woman friend of mine works for a big company; she uses her own computer and pays for her own Internet passage even though the majority of her computer usage is for her work activities. She has asked the men who run the business to be reimbursed for the cost of her computer andInternet passage and has been denied. Her first inclination was to accept this, until she realized: How many men who use a computer in their job, use their own computer let alone pay for their Internet access? Men expect to be provided with the tools that they need to do their job, women supply their own tools and accept it when they are denied reimbursement. Where does this willingness to be used originate? I think that it originated when women first began to invade the workplace. Women weren't greeted with open arms when they first arrived in the workplace. In order to be accepted, they worked twice as hard, longer hours, tolerated abuse in many ways that a man never would and were eager to please, seeking approval and acceptance by over responding. (Actually, women were welcomed in the workplace during World War Ii but only because men weren't available. When the men returned, the women were foreseen, to go back home where they belonged.)

Much of women's acceptance of second-class treatment is their own fault, because they don't even ask for it to be different.

Okay, I am a slight off the field of married men, but let me
follow this straight through to the connection. Let's look at a wife. The
majority of wives work these days, they also are the traditional
childcare provider, and most of them do most of the housework and laundry and cooking and shopping as well. They are also foreseen, by their husbands to be sexy and ready for a quickie at the drop of his pants. Women do all this because they put these standards on themselves. They still expect that they have to do more and do it best because they are women. So where does a woman cut back? commonly it is in paying attention to her husband's traditional needs. A man needs sex and most married men will tell you that the number of sex that they get dwindles after marriage and especially after children. In addition, the number of time that a woman has to devote to the nurturing, acceptance, approval and attention to her husband decreases proportionately with the increasing of children, job responsibilities and a bigger house.

So this leads us to the plight of the married man.

Who is the married man? First of all he is a man. Men are results oriented. Men have a lot of testosterone. They aren't good at deciphering what women want, especially their own wives.The married man used to run his own life. He came and went as he pleased; he watched or played baseball whenever he wanted. He lived his own lifestyle. He could have his woman withhim whenever hewanted and she would pay all of her attention to him. Now he is marriedwith a merge of kids, a mortgage, a job he has because it pays themost, not because he loves it so much and a wife who used to cater to him exclusively who now has to divide her time in the middle of him, the kids, the house and commonly her job. There was a commercial on Tv not too long ago that shows a man reasoning about his studly particular days and how sexy he was in those days, with a child in a stroller. He is playing with his child and shopping in the grocery store and a woman is talking to her friend who comments he doesn't even know how much more animated he is now than he was when he was a stud.

Men are pretty unconscious about what makes them attractive.

According to most women it is not their looks that make them
attractive, it is who they are and how they furnish in the world. So this married man goes to work and comes home and goes back to work the next day. At work there is this woman. She is single, attractive, smart, capable, speaks his language andsomeone who has time to pay attention to him. It starts as an innocent flirtation. What goes straight through his mind is something like "Let's see if I still have it!" so he starts flirting just to see what happens. Not a surprise, she responds to the flirting by flirting back.

This is the beginning of the affair.

In his mind he is flattered, it is fun, and animated and just a
little bit naughty. What could be more harmless? I'm married.I'm
safe. I can just have a slight fun with this. So it continues.He
thinks he can just experiment a little. Let's see how charming and creative I can be. Let's see if I can get this woman to fall for me. In his mind it is not cheating. He hasn't done anything wrong. In the beginning, he even tells his wife about this woman. He tells her about how smart she is or about some accomplishment, usuallywhat made him observation her in the firstplace. Wives commonly miss the first clues. The notion of the effect of his harmless flirtation onthe particular woman does not even enter his consciousness. So the harmless flirtation continues. It makes the married man feel good. He is happier at home and everything seems hunky dory. He tells the woman his wife doesn't understand him, she doesn't have time for him, or she just is cruel to him and the other woman becomes his confidant and starts to believe that he of course has no selection in the matter. He needs her because his wife is so ... Whatever.

He now has both a wife and house and a woman on the side.

Recognize that this process may take several years and several
different women before anything of course happens in the way of an
affair. After several years of living a cut off life from his wife while they live under the same roof, a married man is ready for a real affair. The reality is that an affair will occur whether it is an emotional or corporeal affair or even a cyber affair. No matter which way it goes, what occurs takes away from the married relationship.

What is true about the woman who gets complicated with a married man is that she is finding for attention and affection.

Most likely she is not finding for a married man with whom she is plotting to have an affair. There are a few predatory women out there who do just that but the majority of affairs start out
naively. She is likely to have been previously hurt in a
relationship. She may or may not know that the man is married. What occurs first is she recognizes that he is paying attention to her. He may just listen to her. It may just be a momentary encounter where their eyes meet and a association is made. They may be working together on a project and whether of them may distinguishthemselves in some way. What initially happens is likely to be chemistry. What happens after that varies, however, it commonly follows this pattern.

When the woman discovers that he is married, she will make it clear that she doesn't have relationships with married men.

That is the signal for the man to go into conquest mode.

He will pursue her maybe for years because he enjoys the chase. She will continue to refuse his advances as long as she cantolerate it or until he catches her at a weak and vulnerable moment. If she has a good association in her life, chances areshe can outlast him, but if she is single, ready or married and unhappy, she will at last succumb. Why? Because the man is so charming, heis wonderful, he is a knight in shining armor, he is a hero, he is this amazing dedicated house man who is amazing with his children and attentive to his wife. So the woman asks herself what is she doing?

She continues to say no and the more she says no, the more
aggressive and charming and attentive he gets. This is the extreme male challenge, to win over a woman who is saying no even though he knows she of course is attracted to him.

A married man will work harder than any ready man to make a
woman fall in love with him.

He will be more charming, loving, attentive and amazing than a
woman can dream that any man can be. So what happens next is this woman who ultimately surrenders to her feelings for this man, asks him to leave his wife for her. The response from him will approximately inevitably be one of two, but I'm married and I'll neverleave my wife or yes, I'll leave my wife, but not yet (she's not ready,my children are too young, I can't afford it yet, my mom won't approve etc.) Initially the woman will acknowledge with anger. "If you love your wife what are you doing with me?" Here is the clincher that ultimately hooks the woman, he is committed to his wife and the woman buys into his honorable dedication to his wife and thinks if only I could have a man who loves me like that.

It is at this point in their association that the woman's final act of settling may occur.

Either she will end it and go off to nurse her broken heart,
wondering how he could have been so amazing and such a heel atthe same time, or she will continue the affair and conclude forbeing the other woman in his life. whether way the woman is damaged. The man will go back to his wife who was whether thoroughly unaware of the romantic drama or who also chooses to conclude by living in denial of his infidelity. Then life goes on.

The other woman plays a essential part in the perpetuation of this man's marriage.

She makes it tolerable for him to remain in an intolerable
situation. She makes it potential for him to remain in a marriage
that doesn't satisfy him. That marriage situation can range from
boredom to outright contempt, but a man won't leave his marriage
until his wife has dismissed him, whether consciously or
unconsciously. She makes it potential for him to deny that there is anything missing in his association with his wife. Therefore, the wife wins, if you can call it winning to stay ina association with a cheating man.

The purpose in discussing this at all is to emphasize the fact that women conclude and men will cheat because they can. So, women, if you want your man to be faithful, you must pay attention and never conclude for less than what you want no matter what the cost.

The essence of marriage is commitment. Why get married if you are not willing to commit to loving man exclusively? The way that I see it, you don't have to get married to be together, so why do it if you don't mean it? I was married for 23 years and was strongly in favor of the notion of a renewable marriage license, similar tohow one renews a driver's license. The point of that beingthat at least very 3 or 4 years people who were married to each otherwould have to take a look at whether they still wanted to be with their spouse. If people were honest about their feelings, it of course would take a chunk out of the 50% disunion rate.

On a more serious note, however, I of course don't see any point in
getting married unless you are marrying man with whom youhave sexual chemistry that you love totally, that you trust implicitly, and that you would rather be with than anything else who alsofeels the same about you. That feeling of total trust isvery rare and itneeds to be nurtured. It's also good if you have similar values and goals in life. If and when you find man that meets all ofthe above standards, you probably couldn't dream wanting to bewith anything else. That spiritual bond can be so strong andso valid that it would be out of the realm of possibility to violate it.

It is impossible to ever have that kind of trust if you enter a
relationship that originated with man cheating.

So what happens to destroy that traditional bond? It is the woman'sjob to supply the appetite for delight and the direction for therelationship. This does not relax men of any accountability for it is their job to surrender to their woman's power and to furnish results for her based on what she requests. So, in a association that is working the woman must continue to raise the bar for her man and believe in him. What does that mean? That she wants a bigger house, more expensive car, more children? Not necessarily although thosethings may be part of the picture. What it does mean is that she raises the standards of paying attention even when life is busy. It means that they make time for sex even when they don't have time. It meansthat each one of them stay vulnerable with each other even whenhe/she has done something that embarrasses them or is wrong.

In my marriage, I did it all wrong. I doubted his production,
thought I could do things best than him and lost my quality to
believe in him. When that happened, he quit producing for me and we spiraled downward into total mistrust of each other and
unwillingness to be vulnerable. I kept settling for less than what I asked for and he kept producing only what I believed he could produce. I just didn't know any better.

It's a brittle bond that must be protected and as far as I can see what will protect the bond of love is a woman expressing her
appetite that requests more than the man thinks he can furnish and then even more vital is that she approves of him and believes in him until he produces it. The most essential element of maintaining a love association that works is that both parties must pay attention to each other and to what is happening in the relationship. Going to doubt or settling for less than what she wants is the beginning of the destruction of the delicate equilibrium of the man/woman relationship. In this model of relationship, men and women are regarded as separate entities with separate needs. It relies on using the sex act as the metaphor for relationship, symbolizing men as producers and women as receivers.

There are no victims.

Related articles:Spring Valley Vitamins ,ทำ seo ,ดาราจัดฟัน

Sunday, January 29, 2012

All You Need to Know about Hair Follicle Drug Testing

All You Need to Know about Hair Follicle Drug Testing-Practice Questions

Hair sample drug testing is a great way to detect whether or not a man has used drugs in the past 90 days. whether in an office format or in the home, hair drug testing serves the purpose of answering questions about an individual's drug use history.

Practice Questions

How Does Hair Follicle Drug Testing Work?

Hair drug testing is for real quite uncomplicated and merely requires a sample of hair in order to be completed. Parents who are worried about their teen's use of drugs can procure a strand of hair from their pillow. Employers can ask a sample from their employees. Once a hair sample has been collected, it is sealed in an envelope and sent to a participating laboratory for completion. Hair testing is fast and more definite than other drug test forms.

For instance, hair sample drug testing can detect drug use for up to 90 days after use. The detection window is much larger in hair drug testing (compare it to few days for urine and saliva based drug testing) because trace amounts of drug chemicals come to be trapped inside each hair. A uncomplicated lab test can detect these trace chemicals development for whether a confident or negative test result. Once the results are recorded, you are sent announcement of the results. Some fellowships even contribute a phone aid where you call in, enter an list whole and retrieve the results in that way.

What Kinds of Drugs Can Hair Drug Testing Detect?

Hair sample drug testing can detect all of the major types of drugs, including marijuana, opiates, methamphetamines, Pcp, ecstasy, and cocaine. Hair follicle drug testing can detect the trace amounts of illicit substances trapped in the cortex of the hair for up to 90 days after use.

Employee drug testing programs often couple hair follicle drug testing into their plans because of the sheer accuracy of these tests. Even though hair testing is more expensive that a urine drug test kit, for example, they can contribute a level of accuracy that is nearly ten times that of other testing methods. Likewise, hair follicle drug testing does not involve the embarrassing collection of samples like that of urine or saliva drug tests. In most cases, a few strands of hair is all that is needed to procure definite results.

Parents can also benefit from hair sample drug testing. Hair testing is assorted and confidential. An personel can be tested without their knowledge, development it so parents can know the truth about their teen's drug use first before development accusations. By using hair drug testing in the home, parents can safeguard their teens against drug abuse, and help them quit the abuse should test results come back positive.

Related articles:Spring Valley Vitamins ,ทำ seo ,ดาราจัดฟัน

Friday, January 27, 2012

How To create An effective business improvement Strategy

How To create An effective business improvement Strategy-Career Demand Interview

The enterprise amelioration Strategy is used to underpin your main enterprise Plan and essentially it sets out a appropriate arrival for developing new opportunities, either from within existing accounts or by proactively targeting brand new potential accounts and then working to close them.

Career Demand Interview

This document highlights the key issues you should reconsider prior to compiling your own plan and will hopefully guide you logically straight through a proven framework.

The key word is 'Strategy', because you are creating a workable and achievable set of objectives in order to exceed your each year target.

Your beginning Point:

The key words are Who? What? Where? When? Which? Why? How?

For example:

Who - are you going to target?

What - do you want to sell them?

Where - are they located?

When - will you arrival them?

Which - are the appropriate target personnel?

Why - would they want to meet with you?

How - will you reach them?

If you have conducted quarterly inventory reviews with your key accounts while the old twelve months, you should be aware of any new opportunities that will face while the next twelve months. You will also, when assessing what division of your each year target usually comes from existing accounts, need to describe data over the last two or three years. (It is likely that you can apply Pareto i.e. 80% of your enterprise will probably come from existing accounts and in fact 80% of your total earnings will come from just 20% of your customers/clients)

You will be left with a equilibrium - i.e. "20% of my enterprise next year will come from new opportunities" - therefore you can then begin to allocate your selling time accordingly.

Ideal customer Profiling:

Pro-active enterprise amelioration demands that we create an ideal target at the front end - i.e. An Ideal customer Profile. The vital characteristics you will need to reconsider are:

- market Sector

- Geographical Location (Demographics)

- Size of organisations (Turnover, estimate of employees etc)

- Financial Trends

- Psychographics - i.e. Philosophical compatibility

Many strategic sales professionals merely profile their best existing clients and try to replicate them - there's nothing wrong with doing this but we should all the time remember that we are seeking an Ideal and we can all the time enhance on what we already have.

'New' Opportunities From Within 'Old' Accounts:

Because it costs almost ten times as much, to first uncover and then sell to a new customer as it does an existing one (although these costs are rarely reflected in the cost of sales), it is vital that we fully create our existing accounts working upwards, downwards and sideways, thus development the most of the (hopefully) excellent reputation we have advanced already.

Most corporate accounts have several divisions, departments, sites, even country offices and you must satisfy yourself that you have exhausted every potential avenue. Don't be afraid to ask the question "Who else should I be talking to in your organisation"?

Developing New Opportunities:

There are a estimate of ways in which we can target new opportunities e.g.

o Direct Mail

o Telephone Canvassing

o Researching Archived Files For Customers Who Used To Buy From Your Company

o Exhibitions

o Seminars

o User Groups

o E-Mail Campaigns

o Referrals

o powerful Leads

o Advertising

Not all of these will be appropriate to your singular industry, but you should not be afraid to experiment - i.e. Challenge the paradigm - and do not accept that just because a singular idea has not worked in the past that it will not do so in the future. (Remember when you were studying to walk - it didn't work first time then!)

The leading thing is to make an early decision in terms of what you are going to try and then build this (those) ideas into your devotee plan.

A Typical enterprise amelioration Plan:

You should plan out the whole year and describe / revise quarterly.

o List your existing accounts and plan what activities / actions need to be completed in order to fully exhaust all opportunities. You may for instance, plan to cover more bases within the decision development unit or caress connected fellowships or offices. The Strategic inventory Profile can be used as a prompt.

o Begin to target new accounts using enterprise directories etc. And set targets per week / month / quarter i.e. I usually allow for eight hours per week as a minimum (Don't forget to continually refer back to your Ideal Profile)

o Then build in what assistance you need from your marketing function - i.e. powerful leads, seminars, exhibition attendance etc.

o finally share your plan with your employer and then commit to it.

You should also part it against S.M.A.R.T.E.R. I.e. Is it.








Linking With Your market Plan:

I have recommend that your enterprise amelioration Strategy, would link with your devotee enterprise Plan but logically you should also incorporate it into your market Kit(this is a document that outlines your monthly,quarterly and each year targets) - specifically the areas that deal with new enterprise generation, inventory supervision and development, four tier inventory lists etc.

These three documents when combined should drive and guide you straight through the next twelve months and beyond.


As I have said often sufficient "People do not fail because they planned to fail but rather because they failed to plan"

The man who knows where he wants to go is more likely to get there, he just has to conclude how to get there. All plans are essentially maps and guides; the strategic element is the 'How'.

Do be prepared to turn course, flexibility is key, and don't be afraid to experiment, look face the square.

Copyright © 2008 Jonathan Farrington. All proprietary reserved

Related articles:Spring Valley Vitamins ,ทำ seo

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Covenant: God's association to Jews, Israelites, and Gentiles

Art Braidic (a priest of the Sabbath holding Church of God) and I have enjoyed a biblical consulation about whether or not God's compact with Judah is still active. I trust others may glean something profitable from our fellowship. I start with his intial response and add my comments:

My end is that God brought the Jews back to fulfill prophecy, not to re-establish them as a nation permanently.

Thank you, Art, for prayerfully considering all this about Judah's return under Ezra and Nehemiah and taking the time to respond. May God bless our fellowship and inspire us all to a better comprehension of this holy subject. Such discussions prove true that "iron sharpens iron."

God did truly bring Judah back (but not all were willing to return just like today) to fulfill prophecy, but I must demand if that was the only infer why did God not only send a scion of David (Zerubbabel), and a governor (Nehemiah), but a priest to instruct the citizen in the Torah? Ezra had his Work cut out for him and did a suited job (Ezra 7:10).

His National Congregation repented of their Sabbath breaking (Nehemiah 13:17-22) and mixed marriages and entered into a compact With God. We have no record of the Gentilized Israelites ever repenting, even in part, or returning and submitting to any biblical study (Ezra 10:1-3).

Judah had sinned worse than Israel originally, but They Repented and were brought back. Israel never repented and was never brought back. Some of Judah remained repentant from The Return to the time of Yeshua, the New Testament bearing them record:

The priestly parents of John the Baptist (Luke 1:6), Simon and Anna - two holy and elderly witnesses and the Torah-observant Yosef and Miriam (Luke 2:25, 36-39).

And Yeshua said of the Gentiles and testified about the Jews:

John 4:22
22 You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.

He couldn't say that about the Gentilized Israelites who had lost it all!

The Old Testament was to have seven eras.

I know the Church of God teaches this and I have shared it with others, but the Church of God isn't consistent when they reject the God-given authority of the scribes and the Pharisees that Christ acknowledged on the matters of the sacred calendar and responsibility to properly proclaim the holy days.

Christ was to come from Judah. All this was fulfilled
and then, God destroyed the nation and scattered them exactly like He did their sister Israel.

God had already destroyed the old Judah and Jerusalem and scattered the Jews, but many of them repented and returned (part of true national repentance is to return to the Land, not just the Law). Those specific Jews, the parents of John, the parents of Yeshua, Simon, Anna, and others like them remained specific and approved the Light that God had sent Judah and when the others rejected Him they were rejected.

But the physical and spiritual foundation of converted Jews continued without fail! The early Church of God was entirely Jewish, as you know. That Jewish/biblical foundation was most instrumental in the construction of the spiritual Temple that includes Gentile converts into that holy Branch. Most of Judah were temporarily cut off, just like the Gentilized Israelites, but Some of them never were and continued right on as pioneers of faith towards the "New Jerusalem!"

Antiocus went through the land devastating it it and putting the abomination in the temple. I submit that if these citizen were God's people, in a compact with them, then they would have not suffered so.

Isn't that a gospel of peace and prosperity? Don't true believers suffer persecution? If God wasn't in compact with Judah, why did Yeshua call the defiled and Cleansed Temple "My Father's House?" God sent Judah - still His compact citizen at that point - the Macabbees as in the days of the Judges, just as the Church also teaches that Daniel prophesied of them as the "people who know their God and do (military) exploits," and they formed part of the seven eras of the Old Testament. Another original inconsistency!

To me, after Christ's death, any association was completley over.

Yes, I agree that after the unwarranted hatred Yeshua experienced at the hands of His brethren, like our father Joseph did earlier as a type, the Anointed One who came to purify Judah's religion and spoton their misunderstandings and rebuke idolatrous traditions (which is why He spent so much time with the God-ordained Pharisees). He warned Judah of the Temple's imminent destruction and their dispersion and they rejected Him and His warning message and many of them paid for it with their lives, God was through - for the most part - with collective Judah. However, as stated above, God kept His Word to be the God of our fathers and our God to a remnant, folks like the righteous I've mentioned whose kind made up the early Church.

As Paul writes... Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are come to be dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God.

I do know your point, but to be technical, it's speaking of Us being dead to sin (and its penalty) and resurrected in Christ, able to now marry Righteousness - it doesn't state that about Christ.

So, in the marriage to Israel, God was married to Judah. Once He died, He was able to remarry. He now is espoused to those He has called, and He will marry them at His return.

I know and have also shared this Church of God teaching, but the Scriptures narrate God saying to physical Israelites in these last days, God pleading with us to return to Him as our Husband, that He never divorced us! Judah and Israel are still married to God even if we've broken our part of the compact association and God has "Separated" us from Him due to our unrepentant sins. But He wants us back! (Isaiah 50:1, Jeremiah 3:14).

The Church of God, like the Prophets, ought to call our citizen back to the Law and the compact that God made with our Fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (and confirmed with our fathers at Mount Sinai) and wants to Renew with us and heighten upon it by writing His Torah upon the tablets of our converted hearts and minds, so help us God!

I truly do not know what transfer theology is.

It is denying the spiritual point of physical Israel to God forever, regardless of our gift sins that will soon be history.

Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel, Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.

All this is saying is that race alone isn't sufficient. That a physical Israelite must also have a spiritual Israelite identity or they're nothing more than physically circumcised spiritual Gentiles! And that physical Gentiles can be spiritual Israelites and join the Body of converted Israelite believers: the remnant of physical Israel who isn't blinded!

Rom 11:1 I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid.

Replacement theology would say it doesn't matter because spiritual Israel has replaced any need for physical Israelites to be in a compact association with God and such a damnable heresy is dead wrong! Paul then stresses his physical Tribal Identity - he didn't dismiss it as unimportant. God must all the time have at least a chosen few physical Israelites to keep His Promise to our Fathers to be their God and the God of their literal descendants.

But what saith the acknowledge of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. Even so then at this gift time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.

So, there is a remnant according to grace, not race. Who is that remnant comprised of?

Not so! The very example Paul used were All Israelite. Why speak of a remnant except to refer to the relatively chosen few Israelites who have not gone astray or been blinded? The remnant pertains to physical Israelites who are converted Israelites!

What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded

The election or remnant of physical Israelites! Just like the vast majority of Jews rejected Jesus but a remnant of physical Jews remained specific and formed the foundational Church of God in Jerusalem!

Rom 11:16 For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches. And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree

While not the firstfruits, they are still holy because they are God's people.

It is converted physical Israelites who are the firstfruits, converted physical Israelites who are the roots, a converted physical Israelite olive tree that converted Gentiles can be grafted into! We are the Israelite Church of God, as Herbert W. Armstrong taught, and it is counterfeit Christianity that is a Gentile Church that seeks to replace physical Israelites in every way, physically and spiritually.

For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

Blindness In Part, a partial blindness among Jews and Israelites. I truly don't understand why God had to blind any of our people, maybe you know? Why couldn't He just work with Gentiles and Israelites at the same time like He does in the Church? antique Israel all the time approved Gentile converts and they weren't at the expense of any Israelites. I truly don't understand this part of the strangeness and pray to grasp it better!

And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my compact unto them, when I shall take away their sins.

Back to physical Israel, showing their physical descent from Jacob-Israel remains leading to God despite "spiritual Israel." Again, it's because of the compact that God made with our Fathers. That's why the "Time of Jacob's Trouble" will be cut short - in general for the ethnic election, the physical Israelites' sakes! not the spiritual Church of God alone.

Matthew 24:22

22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened.

Isaiah 1:9

9 Unless the Lord of hosts

Had left to us a very small remnant,

We would have come to be like Sodom,

We would have been made like Gomorrah.

Leviticus 26:44-45

44 Yet for all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not cast them away, nor shall I abhor them, to utterly destroy them and break My compact with them; for I am the Lord their God.

45 But for their sake I will remember the compact of their ancestors, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations, that I might be their God: I am the Lord.'"

This Good News is why the first lesson of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall is gladly called "Survival Guaranteed!"

Rom 11:28 As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.

Just like Elijah was opposed by most of his nation of Gentilized
Israelites, and the 7,000 were the chosen few (Cog - Cave of God), all physical Israelites, so most of the nation of Judah rejected My God Yah in the flesh except for the chosen few physical Israelites who became converted and were the Church of God in Judea! The election, the ethnic elect, the Chosen People, will ultimately acknowledge to our calling to come to be a Kingdom of Priests, a Light to all Nations, so help us God! Hosanna in the Highest!

Rom 11: 30 For God hath fulfilled, them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.

This is the strangeness I wrote of above that I would like to understand better.

As you stated, their time will come again, but I believe it is not now.

I agree that the vast majority of Joes and Jews are presently blinded, but I believe there are individuals with whom God is working, His Holy Spirit is With Them (not yet in them, like with His disciples originally), as part of the process of national redemption, laying the groundwork, establishment the way, for when God chooses to call us all again into a compact association with Him, like Gershon Salomon of the Temple Mount specific and other specific Jews, exceptions, just like Simon and Anna.

Even as Herbert W. Armstrong taught the children of Worldwide Church of God members are Sanctified (I Corinthians 7:14), so too are the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Ezra 9:2). I believe this revelation needs to be better understood and taught in the congregations.

I love the Jewish people. I find them among the most bright, professional, and talented citizen in the world.

I know you do. I never doubted it. I also know that Judah offers the best and the worst in this world! We can whether come to be "stars" (as the descendants of Abraham) or so much "dirt" (grains of sand).

May God bless klal Yisrael (all Israel/12 Tribes) to fulfill our expected National potential! (Isaiah 62:1-2, 6-7).

Friday, January 20, 2012

7 Signs In The Gospel of John And What They Mean To Us

The Gospel of John, the last of the four Gospels, starts with a parallel to the first few passages in the book of Genesis. Just as God spoke the Creation into being, John starts by showing how that same Word straight through whom creation was spoken into being, has now become flesh and has made His dwelling among us. When God created the universe, He used a very considerable tool: His Word. In the beginning...God said.

In the beginning the Word already existed, the Word was with God, and Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created all straight through Him, and nothing was created except straight through Him. The Word gave life to all that was created. (John 1:1-4a) Nlt

In verse 14 John writes: And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. From that considerable introduction, we read on, captivated by what comes next. And among many other magnificent things to be learnt from the Gospel of John, we find that he recorded seven signs performed by Jesus.

We obtain from the outcomes surrounding these signs that they were given to evoke belief. Not confidence in the signs themselves, but confidence in what and whom they are pointing to. John records his gospel and makes it clear in chapter 20:31 that these things were recorded that we may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing this we may have life in His Name. John aptly uses the word "sign" (Greek: smeion) for these signs were not the substance in themselves but were merely road signs, pointing towards the substance; in this case, "God with us" (Immanuel). When we see a road sign pointing towards Cape Town, we don't take that road sign as being the substance of the city of Cape Town, but we understand that it is merely showing us the way to get there. Likewise, these signs recorded by John are not an end in itself, but merely "signs" pointing us to God as He reveals Himself straight through Jesus Christ. They show us the "hands-on" coming God had towards mankind and creation in His plan for salvation. They show that He did not cope "these sinful people" with celestial tongs, but touched them; touched the earth. They show how He took sinners by the hand and put them back on their feet, how He changed water to wine; how He made clay out of spit to heal a blind man. They show God "with His hands deep in the soil and flesh of creation" (Eugene H Peterson). They are given so that we may believe.

However, not everyone believed. For some, these signs had the very opposite consequent of belief. For the most part there were those who saw what God was doing among them with their own two eyes, but instead of believing it evoked in them a jealous rage and hatred. Much of their unbelief can be ascribed to the fact that God's revelation of Himself straight through Jesus did not conform to their preconceived expectations of how God should be operating. They were also expecting the Messiah, much like many of the other people colse to them, but they had they own ideas of how the Messiah would appear, and this Jesus didn't fit the bill. The ones who had God "all figured out" and neatly packaged into a box missed Him; missed the wonders of what was transpiring right in front of them. It is not much dissimilar today. Anyone is not done the way our denomination or ministry is doing it, can't possibly be from God. Stereotyped ideas of how God should do things and how He should recap Himself still cause many to miss what He is doing right under their noses. In the final analysis, it is the man who view he knew the most that will find he knew the least. Wisdom urges us to bow down to God's way of doing and not enlist Him to our way of doing. God gives grace to the humble.

When the book of John is read as a letter (a unit), it becomes clear (especially from the first 11 chapters), that these signs are all interwoven and that together, they build up towards the Crucifixion, Burial and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus -ultimately to the New Life offered by faith in Him.

The Seven Signs:

1. Changing water to wine (John 2:1-11)

2. Medical of the Official's son (John 4:46-54)

3. Medical at the Pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-15)

4. Feeding of the Five Thousand (John 6:15-21)

5. Walking on Water (John 6:15-21)

6. Medical of the Blind Man (John 9:1-41)

7. The raising of Lazarus (John 11:1-57)

For More on the 7 Signs: Click Here

8 Ways To Lose Facial Fat

Want to lose fat in your face? Unhappy with that fat chin? Feel like those fat cheeks are manufacture you look "chipmunky?"

First, let's answer that spot reduction of fat, straight through exercise or dieting anyway, is not possible. It would be nice if we could target our qoute areas -- thighs, a spare tire, flabby arms, or in this case a chubby face -- and combine our efforts on melting the fat from those specific places. Nice, but not realistic.

That doesn't mean the situation is hopeless. Here are all the ways that I am aware of for helping to get rid of a fat face, or at least diminish its plump appearance.

1. exercise and diet to lose thorough body fat.

When we lose weight we tend to lose fat from over our whole bodies. If you are overweight, then sensible dieting along with a quarterly cardiovascular workout will burn fat from all areas, together with your face. For some population the distinction will be dramatic, for others less so, but all should enjoy some revision in facial appearance. Remember: Spot fat loss straight through exercise isn't possible, but fat loss is.

2. Drink more water.

Drinking eight big glasses of water a day has been proven to aid in weight loss. Sometimes when we think we're hungry, our body is certainly just thirsty. Drinking lots of water can take the edge off our "hunger" and keep us from overeating, thus helping us to lose fat.

There's another conjecture to drink water, though. Sometimes a fat finding (or puffy) face is caused by bloating, the body's holding of fluid as a response to being water deprived. If you're a woman--especially if you've just come straight through a pregnancy or are experiencing menopause--this could be part of the problem. So drink up! Good ol' H20, that is.

3. Firm up your face.

Some population swear by facial exercise; others reconsider it silly and quiz, it effectiveness. It won't hurt to try it for a few weeks or a combine of months to see if it works for you. Remember, your aim here is to tighten and firm your skin, not to try to spot-reduce the underlying fat (since that's impossible anyhow).

Here's an old one for firming up a duplicate chin: Using the back (top) of your hand, slap/tap the bottom of your chin rapidly yet firmly. Do this often, whenever you think of it.

For cheeks: Sit. Relax. Smile, holding your lips closed. Now suck in your cheeks and hold them in while you count 8 seconds. Relax and repeat at least ten times. This is a good one to do while driving, as it requires no hands to perform. another exercise for your cheeks is naturally to smile as wide as you can (lips closed) as you dream you are trying to touch your ears with the corners of your mouth.

4. Get older.

This is the easiest way of all to lose fat from the face -- it only requires patience!

If you're in your teens, twenties or even thirties, your roundish face might be caused by baby fat that has yet to melt. Give it some time, and meanwhile be sure to work on reducing your thorough body fat if need be. As population age they tend to lose a lot of their facial fat. The drawback to this natural process is that by their fifties, some population end up with excessively gaunt finding faces. That's a qoute to tackle another day, though.

5. Lose face fat the magician's way.

Magicians use misdirection to deceive. You can "lose" the fat in your face the same way -- by misdirecting the viewer's concentration and by disguising the roundness.

Sorry, guys -- these are women-only subterfuges ... Unless you are into makeup or have long hair. And so, ladies ...

If you have a duplicate chin you want to camouflage, I'm told that adding some blush along your jaw line will do the trick. Start from just below your ears and brush it all the way to your chin, manufacture sure to blend. If you also put a spot of white powder on the tip of the chin for a highlight, the thorough effect will be dramatically slimming.

Similarly, to make your face look thinner, just brush bronzer over your cheekbones and temples, as well as under your chin. Boost the effect with white-powder highlights on chin tip, cheeks, forehead and the bridge or your nose.

Finally, ask your hairdresser for a style that will either hide or draw concentration away from a round face. Hairdressers are experts in knowing which styles are best for which face shapes.

6. One word: Ultrasound.

Ultrasound is increasingly being used for cosmetic purposes. A extra ultrasound machine can be employed to send energy deep beneath the skin, where it liquifies underlying fat cells without harming tissue or nerve cells. The liquified fat is then expelled naturally by the body--or at least that's what proponents and practitioners of ultrasound therapy claim.

7. One other word: Liposuction.

Liposuction is more invasive than ultrasound therapy by itself. It can also be combined with ultrasound. As you probably know, liposuction involves manufacture one or more small incisions in the skin, inserting tiny "vacuum hoses" and suctioning out the fat. It works particularly well on duplicate chins and jowls, and can be used to "deflate" fat cheeks, too.

8. Two words: Cosmetic surgery.

Celebs do it. Mean population do it. For some, results are stupendous. For a few, they're a nightmare. Botched jobs do happen. And in any case, facelifts and similar cosmetic procedures are expensive.

This description on ways to lose fat from the face wouldn't have been perfect without mentioning ultrasound, liposuction and cosmetic surgery. I deliberately did not go into information about them.

If you are inspecting having any costly or invasive course to sacrifice facial fat (or for any other purpose), you need to do your own due diligence. Talk to population who've had the same procedure. Explore it straight through the Internet. Get your doctor's opinion, guidance and maybe a referral. Learn about costs, side effects, recovery time and potential complications. Most importantly, gain a realistic insight of what the course can and cannot do for your appearance. That way you'll avoid disappointment.

How To growth Your Chances Of Scoring Well On An Asvab Test

In the Usa, an Asvab test is ready by the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. This is a timed aptitude exam used by the recruiting group to decide someone's capabilities and suitability to work in the military. Here are some tips on how to score well if you are making ready for the test.

When you have signed up for it, devise a study schedule that will allow you to learn at a steady rate. Don't leave studying to the last tiny because it is impossible to learn all in a few days. Be comfortable with your schedule; it should not be too careful but, likewise, it should not be too easy. Compile a step-by-step guide that is straightforward to manage.

Study requires a high level of concentration. Take off yourself from all distractions and get the right mindset. It's much better to study for a lengthy, uninterrupted duration than shorter sessions of 15 or 20 minutes. If you are battling to concentrate, rather call it a day for that single session. Do something recreational like listening to music or go for a walk.

Go to bed early the night before the test and have a good night's rest. Avoid staying up late for a last-minute cram session. Explore has shown that habitancy produce better test results after sleeping well. Eat a nourishing, salutary breakfast and dress in comfortable clothes. Before you leave home, make sure you have extra pencils, your Id document, and any other items that you may need. Get to the test center early.

There is a selection of four answers to every Asvab question. Try your best to riposte every question. Bear in mind that, unlike other examinations, you will not get penalized for a wrong answer. If you don't know an answer, take a guess. You've got a 25 percent occasion of being right. If time is running short, riposte all questions even if you don't read them properly.

If you have problem with a inevitable question, eliminate the answers that are wrong. Pick two that are right on incorrect. This already gives you a 50-50 occasion of being right. Don't waste time on some questions. If time permits, you can all the time return to them.

In an asvab test, every ask is worth one point. There are no questions with higher points than others. When you have decided on an answer, don't convert your mind unless you are easily inevitable it's wrong. It has been proved that habitancy oftentimes alter a strict riposte if they panic.

Asvab Scoring - What to Make of Your Afqt and Line Scores

Asvab scoring is not as straightforward and level forward as you might think.  In fact, nothing about it is straightforward or level forward.  It is a good idea to understand the unlikeness between the Asvab Afqt and the Asvab Gt before you sit down for the exam.  

The Asvab is indubitably nine individual subtests covering a range of subjects.  That's why they call it a battery (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery).   Each subtest is scored individually and plays a dissimilar role in the Asvab process. The Asvab Afqt ( Armed forces Qualification Test) is not someone else test, it's the score of four subtest along with Arithmetic mental (Ar), Mathematical Knowledge(Mk), Word Knowledge (Wk) and Paragraph comprehension (Pc).   The Asvab Afqt is your most important score because it is score they use to determine your enlistment qualification.  

So the take away here is that those four subjects are the most important.   In fact, your Asvab Afqt score determines either or not you qualify for any type of enlistment bonus, college plan or college reimbursement plan.   

You will also come over the terms "raw score" , "standard score", "percentile score" and "line score".  Again, these are all just scoring interpretations of the nine dissimilar subtests.  former tests scores are reported as a percentile which is the estimate of right answers divided by the total estimate of questions times 100.  The Asvab calculates it differently.  The Asvab percentile score is a comparison of your score in relation to every person else score.  The highest Asvab score in terms of percentile is 99. This means you did great than 99% of the other population who took the test.  

What most population refer to as their Asvab Test Scores is indubitably the Asvab Afqt score which is typically represented in percentile form with the following minimum requirements for enlistment.  Based on your score, you are put in a category.  The forces limits the estimate of population they take from the lower categories based on their enlistment needs.  

Category I           93-100%              outstanding  

Category Ii          65-92%                excellent  

Category Iiia      50-64%                Above mean  

Category Iiib      31-49%                mean  

Category Iva     21-30%                Below mean  

Category Ivb      16-20%                Markedly Below mean  

Category Ivc      10-15%                Poor  

Category V          0-9%                     Not Trainable  

Raw scores are the estimate of points you get on each subtest. Each quiz, is worth a dissimilar estimate of points based on its mystery level.  Hard questions are worth more points than easy questions. The accepted score is indubitably a conversion of the raw score based on accepted distribution of scores with a mean of 50.   

Line scores determine which forces jobs you qualify for. Various combinations of all nine subtests are thought about in the Line Score requirements for each job assignment.  Every subject of the forces looks at line scores a slight bit differently.  

For example, the Asvag Gt or general Technical is an Army line score which is calculated as the Verbal Expression (Ve)  score plus the Arithmetic mental (Ar) score.  The Ve is calculated from the Word Knowledge (Wk) and Paragraph comprehension (Pc) score. Yes, it is confusing but that's how it is done. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Study Effectively With Asvab Pretests

Face it - unless you were a 4.0 honor roll trainee in high school you're not going to know every talk on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (Asvab) test. In fact, it may surprise you to learn that the soldiery doesn't expect you to know every talk either. The reality is that the Asvab is more about your capability to solve problems under pressure (a very critical skill to have in the military) than it is about measuring your knowledge.

Of procedure having the knowledge can't hurt but by plainly comprehension the format of the Asvab questions and recognizing what they're truly testing you on can help make up for any knowledge deficit you may have going in. That's where the Asvab pretest comes in.

Taking as many pretests as possible is the best way to prepare yourself for the actual test because it offers two very foremost benefits. First, you come to understand how the questions are structured and the format of the answers that appear over and over as wrong choices (the soldiery isn't very imaginative when it comes to making up wrong answers).

Imagine going straight through the questions on the actual Asvab test and knowing right off the bat that one or even two of the answers are wrong because you've seen answers with the same format as wrong answers on the Asvab pretests you've taken - talk about a huge advantage!

Second, the most stressful part of any new feel is not knowing what to expect. Too many possible recruits go into the Asvab test cold with only the knowledge of the Asvab pretest they took in their recruiter's office a few months ago to go on.

Do you think they're nervous?

Of procedure the are!

Not only are they worried about what material is going to be on the test but they also have to sound with the new feel of truly going straight through the questions themselves. Do you think they would be more comfortable if this wasn't the first or second time they'd truly seen an Asvab test? I think the request is definite - that's why I recommend those studying for the Asvab to take as many pretests as possible.

Download paper versions from websites, get them from study guides, and take online versions of the various subtests. It will go a long way towards helping you score your top on the actual test - much more so than spending study time with your nose in some musty textbook or boring dictionary!

The Afqt portion of the Asvab Exam - improve Your Afqt Score

The Afqt part of the Asvab Exam is the most prominent section. Scoring high on this section gets you into the separate branches of the military. The minimum score varies by branch. If you want to get into the Coast Guard or Air Force, you need a higher score than you would, for example, the Army. You also need a higher score to qualify if you have a Ged instead of a high school diploma.

Make sure you understand the minimum score needed to get in to the branch that you desire. This will help you to resolve how much you need to study. If you verily want to get into the Coast Guard, you had great plan on spending a lot of time learning for the Afqt.

The Afqt section of the Asvab consists of four sections - Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, Mathematics Knowledge and Arithmetic Reasoning. You should first get a study guide that contains these areas. Next, take a practice test and shape out where you need to focus your studies. The areas where you did not do well will be where you will spend the most time studying.

The Word Knowledge section tests your knowledge of vocabulary. It is a complicated option test and will give you a sentence with one highlighted word. You are required to find the word that means the same thing from four potential answers. You should first eliminate the answers that you know are incorrect. Next try to shape out which word best fits the meaning of the sentence. This formula will help you to increase your score.

On the Paragraph comprehension section, you are required to read a short passage and reply the following question(s) associated to that passage. This may include what the allinclusive meaning of the passage is, the author's intent, what negates the passage etc. Practicing these types of questions will help you to increase your score on this section.

The Mathematics Knowledge section of the Afqt Exam tests you on your allinclusive math skills. This includes addition, subtraction, algebra, area, perimeters, distance, etc. It does not include industrialized math. This section will give you a math qoute and you will have four to five choices to pick from. Scoring high on this section is very prominent so brushing up what you learned in high school math is a must.

The last section of the Afqt Exam is Arithmetic Reasoning. This section will give you short word problems that you will have to solve. You will need to know the above formulas in order to solve many of these problems. This also includes calculating interest, ratios, calculating a profit, ect. Being able to check your work by plugging in the correct reply will help you to score high on this section of the exam.

As you can see, the Afqt part of the Asvab Exam is prominent to your success in the military. learning this section will increase your allinclusive Asvab score and certify your success in the military.

Asvab Pretest - The greatest Asvab Study Tool

If you're beginning a vocation in the troops or just seeing to get some good job training courtesy of the government the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (Asvab) test is the most important test you're going to take. Not only will it conclude if you qualify for enlistment but also for what job training you qualify.

If you're seeing for the best way to prepare yourself for the Asvab it's hard to do great than taking an Asvab pretest. Not only do these tests help you build your knowledge of the branch matter that the Asvab covers but they also help you overcome a crippling problem that affects many test takers - test anxiety.

It will be easier for you to overcome test anxiety if you're not heading into the Asvab test cold - facing questions and interrogate formats that you've never seen before. If you've taken some Asvab pre-tests in the days important up to your actual test date you'll be very comfortable with the style and content of the questions you'll be asked and much great able to recall what you've studied.

In fact, one of the things that few population comprehend about the Asvab is that it's not designed to test your knowledge at all - it's designed to test your ability to solve problems and solve them under stressful situations - like a nine-part timed test that will conclude the procedure of the next four years of your life! Knowing this it just makes sense to eliminate as much of the stress of test day as inherent through good study habits and being as customary as you can with the test before going in.

Fortunately there are many Asvab pretests available both in printed form from your recruiter and a few websites that offer online convention tests as well. Do yourself a favor and take a few - it will be the best study time you spend!

How to Pass the Border Patrol Agent Exam

If you are reading this description then it only means one thing, that you are interested in becoming a Border Patrol Agent. You're fit, active and ready to do the work, any way before you come to be a Border Patrol Agent you need to pass the U.S. Border Patrol Exam.

A lot of applicants take the Border Patrol Exams without any sense of pressure. They think that the Border Patrol Exams will be very easy and once they are certainly taking the test they find out that it is otherwise. Did you know that for every 30 habitancy who apply to take the Border Patrol's written exam, only one enters the Border Patrol Academy. Only about 40 percent of the applicants pass the written exam.

If you are certainly serious about being a Border Patrol Agent you should certainly study for the preliminary exam. In order to pass the exam you need to know the following things.

- How to presuppose your way straight through issues efficiently and thoughtfully.
- How to apply the fundamentals of considerable reasoning to problems you'll face on the job.
- How to pass standardized tests that portion your quality to use logic, reason, good judgment, and think critically.3
- How to comprehend and hold what you read-including processes and procedures.
- Good vocabulary spelling and grammar, to write good reports.

If you already know and possess the above criteria, then you can go ahead and take the exam and pass with flying colors. any way not everyone knows the little things that the Border Patrol branch is seeing for that is why most of the applicant fail to pass the examination.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Life Profits Review: Caution-Read Before Buying

This New Life Profits retell provides a note of caution for those inspecting purchasing the product. The program touts the potential of production money online. New Life Profits is an advertisement featuring Kelly Richards offering a home based business to make money through the placement of ads. The ad appears as an "Action 8 Reports" news story. It is a well crafted sales pitch that has some merit aimed at those who want to work from home. Richards goes on to say, "I followed the instructions, and I don't even have to sell anything and nobody has to buy anything."

I stumbled upon this advertisement for New Life Profits while reading from a website I frequent. Off to the right side of the page was a catchy ad entitled "Action 8 Reports". It claims that Kelly Richards from my hometown makes ,000-,000 per month working online. This caught my attentiveness because I earn money online and was tantalizing how man else was earning money online. I'm all the time looking for fresh ideas. an additional one aspect of this ad that intrigued me is the fact that I live in a very small town of only about 1,800 citizen and I don't know a Kelly Richards. I checked our phone directory and Post Office to confirm my knowledge that there are no Richards living in our town or county.

So what is this "Action 8 Reports" all about? The ad link takes you to the "news report" page with the title "(my home town and state), Work At Home Jobs (Exposed): We investigated work at home jobs and what we found may shock you..."As Seen On: Nbc, Abc, Cnn, Fox News, New York Times"." The report is supposedly written by Sarah Mack activity 8 Reports Investigative Correspondent and posted with today's date. We don't have an activity 8 or a Sarah Mack working at our local News 8 station. So already we have any red flags that indicate this is not legit.

Without going into all of the details of this "Action 8 Report" the reporter wants to know are there any legitimate work at home programs. In her investigation she found a blog by our hometown non-resident Kelly Richards and decided to interview her over the phone. Kelly tells her story of how she makes money online with New Life Profits. The report even shows an revenue check from Amazon Services dated June 25, 2010 and an AdSense earning report. There are also a estimate of very supportive comments by others who are production money with this principles or are going to buy it. The page also reflects 194,922 citizen like this by the Facebook favicon. So now it's time to check out the offer and I clicked on the approved link.

At the top of the page is the New Life Profits banner and the ever cautionary "As seen on Msnbc, Fox News, Abc, Usa Today, and Cnn. The title declares, "In The Next 60 Seconds - Gain entrance To A Work-At-Home Job Paying As Much As An Hour" Then there are the claims: "No Prior Experience, or Skills Required; Be Your Own Boss and choose Your Own Hours; Receive Your First payment in Just Hours From Now; little estimate of Positions, Check Availability in Your Area." By entering my name, Zip code, and traditional email I eye there are "only 2" openings in my area. Just for fun I went back to the opt-in page and entered any different zip codes and got the same results. Now the visitor is taken to an additional one sales page.

The new sales page is a "Special report from Michelle Mathews, the #1 home job advisor in America." This one reads eerily similar to one I had read and reported on entitled Paid to Place. Sure sufficient it's the same "stay at home mom production a fortune on the internet by placing ad links on websites." There are the usual "proofs" of revenue and assorted other claims together with a table that shows how much you can make by posting links each day. Oh, now I noticed there are "only 3 openings available." I guess this means worldwide since my local openings were 2. By clicking the "Get Started Now" button, I eye I can get this fantastic program for (reduced from ). When I close out of the order page, because I'm not buying, I am told I can absolutely buy New Life Profits for only .

You can Google "New Life Profits" and eye added reviews and comments. There are over 20,000 crusade results as of this writing. I didn't find any positive reports for this program in the first 4 pages. By the way, the great business Bureau gives New Life Profits an "F" rating. That should tell you all you need to know about this program.

Can you make money online by placing ad links? Yes you can. I do so on any of my websites. All you have to do is sign up for a ClickBank and Google AdSense list or one of any other offer sources and paste the approved script that you'll be given onto your website. That part doesn't cost any money and you get paid when man clicks the links and buy the product.

You might want to pass on the New Life behalf offer or at least strike for home with much caution. There are a estimate of revenue opportunities available that don't comprise the backdoor sales upgrades and are far less expensive. Look for opportunities that state upfront what your total program cost is together with first membership, in-depth training, and coaching as well as goods information.

Should an Elderly man Be Sent to a Nursing Home?

A lot of the health problems that an elderly encounters are often times extraordinary to their family. As such, a good home as well as health care service is very important. As most house members have work or other businesses to attend to, it becomes very hard in favour of them to appropriately take care and look after an elderly parent, or grandparent, aunt, or uncle. What's worse is that most elderly people already have grave health concerns that need regular healing awareness. This is as usual where a home care service comes enters the picture.

The greatest objective of this package is bring back a senior citizen's "golden years" by enabling them to be independent in the best way they can, as well as increase their capacity to interact with the people colse to them.

At times, it's a bit difficult to settle either the services given by a home care service would be the best selection for your elderly house member. Here are a concentrate of questions you may enquire yourself to help you shape out either it's time for you to bring your elderly relative to a home care facility:

o Are you losing essential occasion at work whilst trying to offer your aged house constituent care?
o How do you recognize your home care giving alternatives when the house unit in call for care lives distance away?
o How do you give elderly parents who have diverse home care requests the strict care and still assure they stay together?
o How do you get home care giving for an prominent man who no longer qualifies for visiting nurse services under Medicare?

If you are able to ask one or more of the above questions to yourself, it means that it's time for you to seek advice from a home care facility.

Nurses specializing in Geriatric administration ordinarily run home care facilities. They can provide you with all the information you need concerning home care service. They will also be able to offer you an array of services that are aimed to improve your elderly loved one's on the whole quality of life. Most home care facilities also have websites that indicate most of the information an concerned party may need.

Before a home care facility accepts a client, they will first show the way a ample interview with the prospective outpatient and his or her family. In this interview the client's healing health and home care needs are assessed. The clients are also advised by the home care facility of services they would advantage from. Examples of these services would be: nursing care, appraisal and decision of question areas, action recommendations, and divulge of the patient's medications, and consultations with physicians as well as specialists, and collaboration with other health professionals.

In the United States, choosing the right home care facility for a loved one can be surely confusing due to the wide array of nursing homes a man could select from. This has been a usual question of people who are thinking of placing their aged loved ones in the care of geriatric facilities. For people who do not understand the situation of a geriatric outpatient or their families, it may be easy to say that choosing a senior care home is easy because they are all over the country. However, due to the varying services that senior care facilities offer, it is very prominent that an elderly individual be admitted in a nursing home that can properly talk to his or her health-related needs and over all welfare.

Home care facilities are practically everywhere and most of the time they have the same type of services. What's prominent is to make sure that your loved one is in good hands. Keep in mind that you should be doing what's best for your elderly loved one's health and well-being.

Are you sending your elderly loved one to a nursing home for the right reasons?

Different people have different reasons for choosing to place their elderly loved ones in the care of nursing homes. Most of them settle to do so because they feel that their relative, friend, or house member will receive ample care and concentration in a home care facility. Nevertheless, the most prominent thing to remember when thinking of getting the services of nursing homes is that there should be a valid hypothesize for development this kind of decision.

The following are a list of well-founded reasons for sending off an elderly to a senior home care. You should be able to come up with a sound decision once you divulge these rationales.

1. A nursing home can give accepted health care for the elderly

Unlike placing an elderly in the care of a secret nurse or a relative, a senior care facility has a team of healing professionals and the allowable healing tool that can monitor the health of your loved one. Senior care homes have in-house doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, caregivers, and bodily therapists, who are always ready to talk to the needs of the nursing home's residents. For instance, caregivers and nurses make sure that the seniors take their medicines regularly, and that they get sufficient rest and sleep. In a senior care home, you can be sure that your elderly loved one is in very capable hands.

2. Nursing homes can intimately monitor the patient's diet

As we all know, senior citizens should have a very controlled diet because there are a lot of foods that are no longer healthy for them. If you are taking care of your elderly loved-one at home and there are other people in the house, you might be faced with the dilemma of having to prepare different types of food per meal. This kind of situation can be tedious, time consuming, and costly. Since nursing homes are preparation food for people in the same age group, you can be sure that your loved one is eating food which is convenient for their metabolism, and digestive capacity. Also, if a resident has special dietary needs (ex. Low sodium diet) due to a healing condition, the nursing home can make the essential arrangements for that patient.

3. Nursing homes can provide the elderly sufficient concentration and care

The most coarse hypothesize why families or individuals send their elderly loved-ones in nursing homes, is the fact that they do not have sufficient time to devote to them. This is especially true, if the house or companion of the elderly man has work, school, or children to take care of. Even if they want to give more intimate concentration to their elderly loved one, the fact of the matter is, they are unable to. In nursing homes, the house or relatives of a senior people is assured that their loved one will receive all the concentration and care they need.

How To Write A Job replacement request - The Easy Way

Learning how to write a job replacement request is a lot like writing a resume cover letter; the basics are the same. In a resume cover letter:

o You need to sell yourself and your abilities

o You need to recapitulate your points efficiently (ideally, in one page)

o You need to show the hiring supervisor what you can do for his or her division, and/or you need to show the enterprise how the assosication will benefit by placing you in the new position

The difference when studying how to write a job replacement request letter is that the ball is not all the time in your court; under optimal conditions, your enterprise will be actively trying to fill a position, and your replacement is more like an internal application than a personal request. Just remember these tips on How To Write A Job replacement request to get it right. However, sometimes the need for a job replacement request is strictly personal - possibly a house illness or convert in personal circumstances is forcing you to relocate, and you are writing in hopes of keen your job to someone else location.

In any case, the first step in writing a thriving job replacement request letter is to analyze the situation and know where you are starting from; this will help you set the tone for the letter and focus it accordingly.

When Applying For a Posted Position

If your job replacement request is in response to a job occasion within your company, treat it like what it for real is - an application with the benefit of enterprise familiarity. Your for real need to comprehend this if you want to know How To Write A Job replacement Request...

In your letter,

o State level off your purpose for writing

o Highlight your abilities and experience

o Clearly praise the enterprise (without overdoing it) or you wont know How To Write A Job replacement Request.

o Tell why you want to move up in the company

o Keep the focus on what you can do for the enterprise without sounding like you are bragging

A condensed letter might look something like:

[Using allowable enterprise format]

Dear [Appropriate Hr sense or Supervisor],

It has come to my attentiveness that [blank] branch is accepting applications for the [state position]; I am forwarding my resume for your consideration.

I have worked for [this company] for [x] years, as a [position], and have found this to be a very well run organization, supportive of its employees; I would like nothing more than to continue my expert increase with this enterprise as my career moves forward.

I have worked in some capacities here at [company], including [list]. Each sense has enhanced my skills and abilities; my current position has allowed to [list what you have learned]. These are skills that I feel would be very well superior to this position.

I look forward to continued increase within this enterprise throughout my career and I thank you for your consideration.




Job title

When Applying For a Personal Transfer

Job replacement requests made for personal reasons have the disadvantage of not being made specifically to fill an open position. You have to sell yourself as requisite to the enterprise - How To Write A Job replacement request - requisite enough that they would want to work cooperatively with you and keep you.

For this type of job replacement request, result the above guide, and also state why you need to request a transfer. In expanding to selling your abilities,

o Really play up your commitment to the company, and your desire to remain with them

o Highlight achievements and skills that would be sorely lost

o Explain why you need to request a transfer

o Be appreciative of what the enterprise has done for you

o Offer a plan for transition which includes training a new man for your position

Here's an example:


I am writing to respectfully request a replacement in location from [office A] to [office B]. A convert in my personal circumstances necessitates this move. An illness in my house has made it requisite for me to relocate to [x]. Since I have been with this enterprise for [x time], and have thoroughly enjoyed my employment here, I feel it is in the best interests of myself and of this enterprise that I move operations, rather than leave the enterprise altogether.

In my time here, you have known me to be a man who [list skills and attributes]. I would like to continue providing job excellence to this company, and hope that we are able to work together to find a explication that fits both of our needs.

I understand that this presents some mystery for the current location, but I feel I can still be of assistance from this new location, and I am willing to work through [period of transition] to help train new personnel in my position.

I am very appreciative of my time here at [company], the sense has been very rewarding in many ways. I thank you for taking the time to reconsider my request and anxiously await your decision.





You should fee free to request for retrial to the human side of your employer, and be sure to comprise appropriate reasons why you are requesting a transfer; however, resist the urge to be plaintiff and keep this part of the request short - no one likes a whiner!!

The key in how to write a job replacement request that is efficient is to balance your skills and assets with the needs of the company. Play up the angles that are open to you, but be meticulous not to come off as sounding presumptuous and arrogant; you want to be viewed as a requisite enterprise asset, not a thorn in the side worth losing! In all job replacement requests, keep the focus on the enterprise and its benefit as much as possible. Selling your invaluable self will for real get you the move you need!

I hoped you enjoyed this guide on How To Write A Job replacement Request!

The Role Of The capability employer

A quality insurance manager, also generally known as the quality employer or quality operate manager, is responsible for the amelioration and implementation of quality management systems and procedures. They work in a wide range of sectors such as manufacturing, engineering, food production, transport, petrochemicals and the public aid sector.

General Skills Of A quality Manager

Quality Managers need to have the following skills:

o excellent analytical skills so that they can filter key points from involved details and invent plans accordingly.

o effective communicators and excellent motivators.

o Good negotiating skills.

o Good narrative writing skills.

o They should be familiar with the methodologies, tools and concepts of quality management.

o They should be able to explicate statistical data with the help of software packages.

o excellent planning skills; able to lead projects straight through to completion.

o They should be customer oriented.

Major Area Of Work

More often than not, the type of firm involved defines the role of a quality manager. However, the basic responsibilities in all fellowships are quite similar. The main job of is to ensure the flawless output and marketing of products. They combine their knowledge and expertise in order to achieve set goals and all the time begin by first comprehension and establishing their role and relationship with line staff. This gives them the inside knowledge on assorted processes and the way they work. Thus, they get comprehension into the whole of work that can be done while a shift, adhering to the top standards of work.

A quality employer sets standards for policies and often works with the output employer to assure that the standards of output are up to the mark. They also delineate past records of quality output to check if current standards are favorable adequate to pronounce good customer relations. There are any organizations where teams of quality inspectors are allowed to check products as soon as they come off the output line. This helps to ensure that the goods meet the quality standards.

They are mostly in question in the manufacturing and output sector, and mainly in maintain functions. Many times, agency managers are put in charge of both output and quality thorough maintenance. They play a essential role in the success of a company.

Following are the basic responsibilities of a quality Manager:

o To explicate the requirements of clients to the sales and marketing agency and identify the ways in which the assosication can meet them.

o To analyze assorted firm statistics.

o To determine the areas of revising and document them.

o Inspect, sample and test the whole output process, to check the quality of products.

o delineate existing policies and invent new plans to improve the existing quality system.

o Ensure that procedures conform to legislation such as Equal Opportunity, condition and protection and financial regulations.

o delineate and collate the effectiveness of changes made.

For candidates that have an eye for detail and penchant for continuous improvement, a work as a quality employer can be immensely satisfying.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Southwest Airlines Operations - A Strategic Perspective


Southwest Airlines is the largest airline measured by number of passengers carried each year within the United States. It is also known as a ‘discount airline’ compared with its large rivals in the industry. Rollin King and Herb Kelleher founded Southwest Airlines on June 18, 1971. Its first flights were from Love Field in Dallas to Houston and San Antonio, short hops with no-frills service and a simple fare structure. The airline began with one simple strategy: “If you get your passengers to their destinations when they want to get there, on time, at the lowest potential fares, and make darn sure they have a good time doing it, citizen will fly your airline.” This advent has been the key to Southwest’s success. Currently, Southwest serves about 60 cities (in 31 states) with 71 million total passengers carried (in 2004) and with a total operating earnings of .5 billion. Southwest is traded publicly under the symbol “Luv” on Nyse.


* The first major airline to fly a single type of aircraft (Boeing 737s)

* The first major airline to offer ticketless trip law wide along with a frequent flier program based on number of trips and not number of miles flown.

* The first airline to offer a profit-sharing program to its Employees (instituted in 1973).

* The first major airline to establish a Web site and offer online booking. In 2001, about 40 percent (.1 billion) of its passenger earnings was generated through online bookings at [http://www.southwest.com]. Southwest's cost per booking via the Internet is about , compared to a cost per booking through trip agents of to .

Key competing advantages:

* Low Operational costs / High Operational Efficiency

* Award winning customer service

* Human reserved supply practices / Work culture

Operations determination – competing Dimensions:

Southwest clearly has a positive advantage compared to other airlines in the commerce by executing an efficient and efficient operations strategy that forms an prominent pillar of its full, corporate strategy. Given below are some competing dimensions that will be studied in this paper.

1. Operational Costs and Efficiency

2. Customer Service

3. Employee/Labor Relations

4. Technology

1. Operational Costs and Efficiency

After all, the airline commerce full, is in shambles. But, how does Southwest Airlines stay profitable? Southwest Airlines has the lowest costs and strongest balance sheet in its industry, agreeing to its chairman Kelleher. The two biggest operating costs for any airline are – labor costs (approx 40%) followed by fuel costs (approx 18%). Some other ways that Southwest is able to keep their operational costs low is - flying point-to-point routes, choosing secondary (smaller) airports, carrying consistent aircrafts, maintaining high aircraft utilization, encouraging e-ticketing etc.

Labor Costs

The labor costs for Southwest typically accounts for about 37% of its operating costs. Possibly the most significant element of the thriving low-fare airline company model is achieving significantly higher labor productivity. agreeing to a up-to-date Hbs Case Study, southwest airlines is the “most heavily unionized” Us airline (about 81% of its employees belong to an union) and its wage rates are carefully to be at or above mean compared to the Us airline industry. The low-fare carrier labor advantage is in much more flexible work rules that allow cross-utilization of virtually all employees (except where disallowed by licensing and safety standards). Such cross-utilization and a long-standing culture of cooperation among labor groups translate into lower unit labor costs. At Southwest in 4th quarter 2000, total labor price per available seat mile (Asm) was more than 25% below that of United and American, and 58% less than Us Airways.

Carriers like Southwest have a great cost advantage over network airlines naturally because their workforce generates more production per employee. In a study in 2001, the productivity of Southwest employees was over 45% higher than at American and United, despite the substantially longer flight lengths and larger mean aircraft size of these network carriers. Therefore by its relentless pursuit for lowest labor costs, Southwest is able to positively impact its lowest line revenues.

Fuel Costs

Fuel costs is the second-largest price for airlines after labor and accounts for about 18 percent of the carrier's operating costs. Airlines that want to prevent huge swings in operating expenses and lowest line profitability choose to hedge fuel prices. If airlines can operate the cost of fuel, they can more accurately assessment budgets and forecast earnings. With growing competition and air trip becoming a commodity business, being competing on price was key to any airline’s survival and success. It became hard to pass higher fuel costs on to passengers by raising marker prices due to the extremely competing nature of the industry.

Southwest has been able to successfully implement its fuel hedging strategy to save on fuel expenses in a big way and has the largest hedging position among other carriers. In the second quarter of 2005, Southwest’s unit costs fell by 3.5% despite a 25% growth in jet fuel costs. While Fiscal year 2003, Southwest had much lower fuel price (0.012 per Asm) compared to the other airlines with the exception of JetBlue as illustrated in exhibit 1 below. In 2005, 85 per cent of the airline’s fuel needs has been hedged at per barrel. World oil prices in August 2005 reached per barrel. In the second quarter of 2005 alone, Southwest achieved fuel savings of 6 million. The state of the commerce also suggests that airlines that are hedged have a competing advantage over the non-hedging airlines. Southwest announced in 2003 that it would add performance-enhancing Blended Winglets to its current and time to come fleet of Boeing 737-700’s. The visually distinctive Winglets will improve doing by extending the airplane’s range, rescue fuel, lowering machine maintenance costs, and reducing takeoff noise.

Point-to-Point Service

Southwest operates its flight point-to-point service to maximize its operational efficiency and stay cost-effective. Most of its flights are short hauls averaging about 590 miles. It uses the strategy to keep its flights in the air more often and therefore achieve good capacity utilization.

Secondary Airports

Southwest flies to secondary/smaller airports in an endeavor to cut trip delays and therefore furnish perfect service to its customers. It has led the commerce in on-time performance. Southwest has also been able to trim down its airport operations costs relatively good than its rival airlines.

Consistent aircrafts

At the heart of Southwest's success is its single aircraft strategy: Its fleet consists exclusively of Boeing 737 jets. Having common fleet significantly simplifies scheduling, operations and flight maintenance. The training costs for pilots, ground crew and mechanics are lower, because there's only a single aircraft to learn. Purchasing, provisioning, and other operations are also vastly simplified, thereby lowering costs. Consistent aircrafts also enables Southwest to utilize its pilot crew more efficiently.


The idea of ticketless trip was a major advantage to Southwest because it could lower its distribution costs. Southwest became electronic or ticketless back in the mid-1990s, and today they are about 90-95% ticketless. Customers who use reputation cards are eligible for online transactions, and today Southwest.com bookings catalogue for about 65% of total revenue. The Ceo Gary Kelly thinks that this idea would grow supplementary and that he wouldn't be surprised if e-ticketing accounted for 75% of Southwest’s revenues by end of 2005. In the past, when there was a 10% trip branch commission paid, it used to cost about a booking. But currently, Southwest is paying in the middle of 50 cents and per booking for electronic transactions that translate to huge cost savings.

2. Employee and Labor Relations

Southwest has been extremely regarded for its innovative supervision style. It maintains a relentless focus on high-performance relationships and its people-management practices have been the key to its unparalleled success in the airline industry.

Mission Statement

To Our Employees
“We are committed to furnish our Employees a carport work environment with equal chance for learning and personal growth. Creativity and innovation are encouraged for improving the effectiveness of Southwest Airlines. Above all, Employees will be provided the same concern, respect, and caring attitude within the society that they are anticipated to share externally with every Southwest Customer.”

The Southwest mission statement shows that the company has a strong commitment to its employees. The company affords the same respect to its employees that is provided to its customers. The Southwest mission statement is unique in that it recognizes the importance of its employees within the broader company strategy, which emphasizes superb customer service and operational efficiency. The employees reciprocate the respect, loyalty and trust that Southwest demonstrates. Southwest employees are known for their loyalty, dedication, attitude and innovation. The employees are the distinguishing factor in the middle of Southwest and the rest of the airline industry.


Southwest hiring course is unique not only within the airline industry, but also more broadly, and revolves around looking citizen with the right attitude that will thrive in the Southwest culture. full, procedures are employed to hire for positive attitude and dedication. Those who do not posses those qualities are weeded out. Colleen Barrett, a non-operational officer at Southwest, states that

“Hiring is critical, because you cannot institutionalize behavior. Instead, you must recognize those citizen who already custom the behaviors you are looking for. Then you can allow Employees to be themselves and make decisions about customer service based on common sense and their natural inclinations.” 1

Recruiting and interviewing at Southwest is a two-step process. The first step is a group interview, conducted by employees, where transportation skills of potential candidates are evaluated. The next steps in this process are one on one interview, where the candidates' attitudes and orientation toward serving others are evaluated. These hiring criteria apply to all job functions since all Employees at Southwest play a customer service role. A significant part of Southwest operational strategy is that every job at Southwest is a customer service position, whether it directly applies to the customer or whether it is internal.

The table below shows that even though Southwest is the most heavily unionized airline, at practically 80%, that contract negotiations in the middle of the unions and Southwest are much shorter in period than of the other major carriers. This shows the ability of association that Southwest has with its employees and with the unions that recite them.


Southwest was created as a dissimilar kind of company and from its beginnings a unique culture was nurtured. In 1990 Colleen Barrett formed the Southwest Culture Committee. This is unique within the commerce and among all large companies. The committee also has a mission statement:

“This group's goal is to help generate the Southwest spirit and culture where needed; to enrich it and make it good where it already exists; and to liven it up in places where it might be "floundering". In short, this group's goal is to do "whatever it takes" to create, enhance, and enrich the special Southwest spirit and culture that has made this such a astounding Company/Family.”

It is this unique advent to company values that has created a culture that differentiates itself from others. Southwest’s culture is the presume why it is successful.

3. customer Service

The Mission of Southwest Airlines
The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest ability of customer service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, private pride, and company Spirit.


Herb Kelleher, founder of Southwest, has been quoted as saying that "We're in the customer service business; we just happen to furnish airline transportation".2 Award winning customer service is a distinguishing characteristic of Southwest and it is referred to internally as “Positively Outrageous Service”. It means that from the top to lowest everyone does anyone he or she can to satisfy the customer. This includes Herb Kelleher, who has been known for helping out baggage handlers on Thanksgiving. It is through emphasizing the customer and Employee that Southwest is able to differentiate itself from others in the airline industry. On a more technical level, each Employee or group within Southwest has his or her own customer. This means that every Employee ‘serves’ in one way or someone else despite not being directly complex with the passenger. The mechanic’s customer is the pilot and the caterer’s is the flight attendant.


It can be said that the "Positively Outrageous Service" that is unique to Southwest “is not the consequent of a department, or a program, or a mandate from management. It is not secondary to the product; it is the product.” This advent creates the conditions where Employees are more likely to treat customers in ways that distinguish the company from others. There are numerous accounts of passengers who have received exceptional medicine from Southwest employees.

The examine that needs to be answered is how Southwest’s customer service is dissimilar and why? Is it common for customers of other airlines to rave about their special service? The talk is that it is not. While Southwest does not have a monopoly on citizen who are kind and who are willing to go above and beyond to satisfy a customer, such behavior is nurtured at Southwest to a much greater extent.

It can then be terminated that the customer service that is potential to Southwest is a part of its culture. This culture is supported through Employee encouragement to do the extra to satisfy the customer. This advent inspires citizen who would commonly only on chance go out of their way to help someone, to become consistent performers that offer exceptional service all the time. Southwest employees are what differentiate its customer service from the other airlines.

4. Technology

Southwest utilizes technology in many ways to fulfill its company objectives and allege its efficient operations. agreeing to its Ceo, technology equals productivity. Launched in 1996, ticketless trip was first introduced by Southwest. On May 1st 2000, Southwest Airlines introduces "Swabiz," a portal that assists company trip managers in booking and tracking trips made through its web site [http://www.southwest.com]. There are many new technology initiatives being undertaken currently and some are in the pipeline.

Bar codes in Boarding Passes

Southwest Airlines has invested million While the past three years to standardize corporate and terminal operations on about 10,000 Dell OptiPlex desktop and Latitude notebook computers agreeing to its company executives. Southwest wanted to replace its well known, brightly colored plastic boarding passes with an electronic law with bar-code paper boarding passes. So it installed about 350 touch screen marker readers powered by Dell OptiPlex desktops. The bar code gives Southwest more data to automatically reconcile the number of boarding passes with the number of passengers that positively board the plane.

Although the technology will help Southwest Airlines remain efficient by consolidating passenger data for the company's 3,000 daily flights, there were concerns it could lengthen the time to get travelers on board. However it was found that scanning each bar code on the boarding passes didn't growth or shorten boarding schedules, but it did take minutes from executive processes, such as looking up customer records. The new paper bar code law is giving Southwest marker agents the ability to match a customer narrative within having to scroll through and log into many software screens. The process is much more automated. Once the bar code on the boarding pass is scanned at the terminal gate it checks off the man from the passenger list in real time.

The old process was hand-operated that complex looking the information, scrolling through any software screens from reservations to check-in to boarding. The bar code hardware to scan the boarding passes has been deployed. The company is in the process of replacing customer service back-office equipment at airports along with at its headquarters in Dallas.

Software Upgrades

Software applications, such as those used by clerks to check in passengers, are being replaced. Southwest Airlines' internally written "Airport Application Suite" is anticipated to rollout next year as the company transitions from green screens to Window-based user interface. Similar to Wal-Mart shop Inc., Southwest Airlines believes in developing in-house the software that runs its operations. The company uses very tiny off-the-shelf software. There are in the middle of 75 and 100 projects in the works each year supported by practically 900 It employees.


Radio frequency identification technology, a favorable alternative to bar-coding for luggage identification, is also on Southwest's radar. It plans to test Rfid technology sometime in 2006. Even though, Southwest is playing a tiny catch-up with other airlines such as Air Tran, Alaska and Champion Airlines, in many cases they are able leapfrog to more sophisticated applications positively having waited longer.


Southwest has emerged very successful, despite the most troubled times in the airline market. However, it faces new challenges in the face of expanding competition from other low fare airlines such as JetBlue, Ata airlines, America West.

Reserved Seating

Due to expanding safety guidelines since September 2001, Southwest would need to prepare for assigned (reserved) seating to track its in-flight passengers. This turn will involve large technology investments and may impact its gate operations negatively since the current way of unassigned seating has helped in quick gate turnarounds.

Passenger Demand

The keep-it-simple doctrine has served Southwest well. But as its own company grows and grows more complex, with plans to buy dozens of new aircraft and an anticipated upsurge in passenger traffic to about 80 million boarding’s a year, the simplicity strategy that has been reflected in the airline's It doctrine is evolving. The Cio Tom Nealon says that "It's time to adapt our company processes for efficiency. As our airline scales for us to furnish the same kind of high-touch customer service, we have to automate a lot of things we've been able to do without technology previously. The challenge is doing that without conceding the customer touch." Southwest is also aggressively pursuing customer association supervision (Crm) techniques and has applications to get understanding into customer’s wants and dislikes. agreeing to an interview with its Ceo Gary Keller, Southwest has its focus on improving in two areas - customer’s airport sense and in-flight experience.

In-Flight Entertainment

In an full, endeavor to improve customer’s in-flight experience, in-flight entertainment is something that Southwest is currently evaluating and which JetBlue has been very thriving at already because of its introduction in its long-haul flights. In comparison, Southwest has 415 airplanes to think and that represents an speculation decision at a whole new dimension. Additionally, Southwest has to think how things may fit into their environment. At this point, 60% of its service is still very short haul. Southwest needs to be mindful of the fact that a positive advent that has been thriving for its competitor may not be necessarily work to its advantage.


Southwest has long been regarded as a benchmark in its commerce for operational excellence. Southwest Airlines is a fine example of a company that is committed to its core competencies - efficient operations to drive its low cost structure, outstanding delivery of customer service and innovative Hr supervision practices. We hope this paper provided a good understanding into Southwest operations, as part of its full, strategy, to achieve success and gain competing advantage.


1. [http://www.southwest.com] (Southwest airlines lawful web site)

2. “Southwest keeps it simple” - Air converyance World, April 2005, Pg 36

3. “Around the World on (or So): How High Can allowance Airlines Fly?“ Strategy supervision - Knowledge@ Wharton Newsletter Oct 5, 2005

4. TechWeb - [http://www.techweb.com/wire/ebiz/173601227]

5. “Southwest's Strategy for Success: Consolidate!” - Oracle Magazine (Sept/Oct 2004 edition) http://www.oracle.com/technology/oramag/oracle/04-sep/o54swest.html

6. “Southwest Airlines: High Tech, Low Costs” - Eweek.com, April 2005

7. “Jet Fuel Hedging Strategies: Options available for Airlines and a search for of commerce Practices” – Kellogg School of supervision study Paper, Spring 2004

8. Winning Behavior: What the Smartest, Most thriving companies Do Differently, Terry R. Bacon and David G. Pugh, 2003

9. Time Magazine, Oct 28th 2002 issue, Vol. 160 Issue 18, p. 45

10. “Wings Of Change”,Information Week, March 28, 2005,

11. Labor contract Negotiations in the Airline Industry, Monthly Labor Review, July 2003, page 24